Conversational User Interfaces such as chatbots will certainly change the way we use software for casual purposes so I was very excited about the „Oracle Mobile, Chatbot and JET Training“ of Oracle PaaS Summer Camp 2017 in Lisbon I was accepted for!
Oracle will provide chatbots development as part ot the new version of Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise (MCE – follower of Mobile Cloud Service), and we had the possibility to test it out.
Armed with hands-on and samples, we played around with the new chatbots features of Mobile Cloud Enterprise, and there is a lot of cool stuff inside. To name only a few:
- visual conversation flow builder allowing you to train and test the bot on the fly
- custom components that connect to your REST APIs in the outside world
- out of the box Facebook integration (it was really fascinating to chat with your own chatbot directly in the Facebook Messenger!).
The next big part was the introduction to Oracle JET and finally integrating the previously developed chatbot in a JavaScript component that is accesible on your Website.
We were amazed how easy it is to get started with Oracle JET. Coming into modern frontend JS development has never been so simple!
In Summary: it was a great event – with a lot of cool new developments and ideas to pick up, and a perfect place for relaxed networking.