Oracle announced a new version of Oracle Database, the Oracle 23c free – Developer Release. Within this blog post, I will very briefly introduce the new release. Rather than repeat content from other posts, I link to additional sources for more detailed content.

Developers in the spotlight

As the name suggests, the latest release marks a significant change in Oracle’s database release strategy. You may have noticed that the release name contains the terms „free“ as well as „Developer Release“. This is evident that it changes the way, how new database releases will occur in the future: With a developer-first mindset, in a free-to-use version of Oracle database. If you’re interested about consequences, read my blog about what this means to developers.

New features: JSON Relational Durability and more

Besides the changes concerning the release strategy and focus, the release also comes with new features. Those features aim to simplify and enhance the development of modern applications. Developers can access the latest and most advanced tools to build innovative and scalable applications.

One of the key highlights of Oracle 23c – Developers edition is the ability to build applications using either relational or JSON paradigms, using a single source of truth (JSON Relational Durability). This eliminates the need for complex object-relational mappings, allowing developers to access, modify, and write data with ease. The edition also provides ACID-compliant transactions and concurrency controls, ensuring data consistency and eliminating the tradeoffs between different data models.

Moreover, we can leverage the in-memory column store and database sharding capabilities to manage large data sets with greater ease. These features improve application performance and provide lower latency, delivering an unparalleled experience to end users.

More details about new features can be found in the official Oracle announcement blogs:


Oracle is committed to delivering the best tools and resources to developers worldwide, and Oracle 23c – Developers edition is a testament to that commitment. The release offers cutting-edge features that help developers build robust and scalable applications with ease. I am more than excited to see the innovations thriven by this new release.


Alle Beiträge von Sven Bernhardt

Sven Bernhardt is a technology enthusiast who works for OPITZ CONSULTING as the Chief Architect on the Corporate Development team. In this role, he manages the technology portfolio and develops Best Practices and Guidelines. In addition, Sven supports his colleagues in implementing Software solutions for Customers. Sven regularly speaks at various conferences about technology or architecture topics. He also shares his thoughts and experiences by writing articles and blog posts. In addition, he's a Kong Champion.

1 Kommentar

  1. MIchael Paege Reply

    Hi Sven,
    fully agree!
    But it’s important so say that 23c Free is not restricted for development use. Like the former Express Edition (XE) it’s free for all purposes with the restrictions of 2 CPU Cores, 2 GB Main Memory and 12 GB DiskSpace. And – like XE – there are no MOS support and no security patches available.

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