This article is about a crowdfunding thesis of a working student at OPITZ CONSULTING, who publishes the thesis itself via a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.  Read more here:

Crowdfund_our_Ideas_Today (2)a

Nowadays the term „crowdfunding“ is known to many people. Primary objective is the financing of projects through funds from the crowd „“ the masses of those who are aware of the crowdfunding campaign.

Thousands of projects are funded with reward-based crowdfunding and millions of contributions are collected every year. On, the best-known platform for reward-based crowdfunding, more than 3.2 billion US $ were pledged by the crowd. Only about 10% of them were not debited from the bank accounts or credit cards of the supporters because the funding target of the campaign could not be reached in time. More than 130,000 successful projects raised about 2.85 billion US $ by funds of nearly 13.5 million different backers worldwide.
[See, 28.08.2017]

Not only for startups

Crowdfunding does not only have advantages for potential start-ups to realize their ideas. There are advantages for each of us: Both individuals with good (and not yet implemented) product ideas, as well as existing companies which want to change their processes in product development, marketing and market research to fit digitalization or maybe simply want to break new ground in the development of new products. Flat hierarchies and employee co-determination through crowding practices are also possible.

With all these topics, I am currently working on my bachelor thesis on reward-based crowdfunding. Behind the long title „šCrowdfunding: An overview of the development and the different models – focus: implementation of reward-based crowdfunding campaigns, including recommendations for business consultancy“™ (in German: „˜Crowdfunding: Ein Überblick über die Entwicklung und die verschiedenen Modelle „“ Schwerpunkt: Durchführung reward-basierter Crowdfunding-Kampagnen einschließlich Handlungsempfehlungen für die Unternehmensberatung“™) is hidden a whole lot:

  • A general overview of the four different crowdfunding models,
  • a list of advantages of crowdfunding,
  • a kind of guidance, how to prepare and handle a reward-based crowdfunding campaign and what to be considered as well as
  • recommendations for business consultancies (or companies in general)

Does this have influence on me or my company?

The contents of this bachelor thesis will be interesting not only for OPITZ CONSULTING, but for every potential maker as well as every company worldwide. For this reason, I was able to convince my manager to spread my crowdfunding thesis through my own crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter so that the results of my work can be shared with the whole world.

  • You“™re a potential maker?
  • You have great product ideas, which are not yet implemented?
  • Your company produces end-user products or plans to do so?
  • Your company is looking for possibilities to involve its employees more closely?
  • You“™re interested in crowdfunding in general?

If you have affirmed only one of the above questions, you should have a look at the thesis by yourself:

Do not wait „“ create!

Alle Beiträge von Christian Thielke

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